We’re thrilled to share Flutterwave’s 2024 Report with you. We’ve called this report The Original Plan which, speaking plainly, means purpose. Everyone has an original plan: It’s the driving force that keeps you going, the guiding light behind your achievements; …
Author Archives: Chinaemerem Iroegbu
People Make Summer
Sure, summer is the word to describe a season’s weather but people made the tradition of traveling, partying, doing the most wholesome things with their friends, or by themselves. People make summer. There’s always a new kind of anticipation each …
Welcome to Send App Summer Everyone!
Holiday. Before we learned of the word summer, we called this period in time, holiday. Simply holiday – we sang songs about it too “Holiday is coming”. Then we grew older, saw the world, and called this period Summer …
Payouts To Africa: Challenges & the Way Forward
Africa is not a country. With 8 Regional Economic Communities, 2 Monetary Unions, and 33+ currencies – all with unique regulatory requirements – Africa is as diverse as it gets. This alone makes moving payouts seamlessly into the continent tricky.…
From $end to Send App by Flutterwave: Big Improvements Hidden in Little Tweaks
When we began building a remittance app tailored for you, we wanted to create something that wasn’t just easy to use but an app that spoke your language. That’s what we did with $end. But we knew something was missing. …
School Is Hard, Paying Tuition Shouldn’t Be
As the number of international students from Africa spikes, they face the daunting age-long task of paying their school fees – from dealing with foreign currencies and exchange rates to navigating unfamiliar payment systems that are expensive, inaccessible, and sometimes …
The Wavelength: Looking back at the first quarter of 2023
Welcome to The Wavelength, a monthly newsletter that gives you insight into product updates, events, and exclusive news about Flutterwave.
The first quarter of the year is over 🎉and the second quarter is underway🎉🎉. But before moving forward, it’s always …
#InternationalWomensDay: Making One Day, Every Day
International Women’s Day (IWD) can be traced back to as far as 1911. In that year, working women in the United States, Switzerland, Denmark, and Austria set aside a day to commemorate how far they have come in challenging gender …