The pun was too good, we couldn’t ignore it. Afterall, ‘peering’ means the exchange of data directly between internet service providers without using the internet. We can domesticate this telecom term to mean the exchange of value (and data, if …
5 Valuable Tools To Help You Run Your Small Business
It is no lie that small businesses are the lifeblood of the global economy. According to a report by Salesforce in 2019, small & medium-sized businesses make up 90% of the business population. Your business could be as small as …
5 Small Business Ideas You Can Start Using The Flutterwave Store
Small businesses are the lifeblood of the global economy. According to this Salesforce report in 2019, small & medium-sized businesses make up 90% of the business population. This shows how important small businesses are to the economy of the …
Jimmy Ku; Flutterwave’s New Head of US Growth and his Drive to Create Value Everywhere
Ever met one of those kids that could source the scarcest collectibles in high school? They’d sell baseball cards, comic books and cards— whatever people were looking for. That was Jimmy! He was everyone’s ‘guy’ for rare merchandise while growing …
Bridging The Gap Between Small Businesses And Digital Sales: The Plendify Story
In recent years, buyer behaviour has changed dramatically. Buyers are looking for convenient ways to get products and services and are doing extensive research online before the selection of goods and services. Buyers are also making direct purchases from e-commerce …
We’re Joining the Rebuilding Effort
The events of the last few weeks in our country— South Africa have taught us that there is strength in unity. We have seen the biggest show of strength as South Africa passed through a difficult period. We’ve seen strangers …
Flutterwave Weekly Market Roundup: CBN Reassures Nigerians On Regular Currency Supply
You know you love some quick roundup on the economy! Here on Flutterwave weekly roundup, we give you the important news of the past week as they concern the economy. We believe this will better help you make your business …
Design Handoffs: How Flutterwave Engineers & Designers Collaborate
We all understand the value of collaboration, especially when it comes to building anything; digital products, a house, roads and I dare say, a family! We’ve seen how construction engineers work with architects, stonemasons, plumbers, electricians and so on, to …
Why Flutterwave And PayPal Are Waiving Off International Payment Charges.
In today’s global economy, businesses are expanding their products and services in foreign markets to enhance sales and growth. However, despite the growing number of businesses expanding abroad, many other businesses have not leapt overseas. In the quest for businesses …
📢❗Important Information: New USD transfer limits on Barter
The promise of Barter by Flutterwave is a promise that we can offer everyone a financially borderless world. It’s about a world of no financial restrictions. This is why Barter allows you to send money to anyone anywhere in the …