Many people believe that cash is king; others put all their trust in their card payments. However, the best payment method to use depends on several factors such as your location at a point in time, amount of money being paid, accounting systems and security reasons amongst others. When your customers are making a purchase decision, they are not just considering the price, quality and efficiency of the products and services, they are also considering whether your business accepts their preferred payment option and the ease of the entire payment process. 

As a business owner, it is essential to consider and make available a variety of payment options to ensure customers enjoy the best experiences when making payments. Signing up to Flutterwave offers your business different payment options, which enable smooth customer experiences and guarantees timely payments. It doesn’t end there; with Flutterwave, you can also make transfers directly to vendors, businesses or individuals directly from your Flutterwave dashboard.

Let’s discover some payment options that Flutterwave makes available to you and your customers across the globe. 

Mobile Money

Mobile money is a digital payment technology that does not require a bank account to facilitate payments or transactions. Mobile money is available in many African countries such as Uganda, Kenya (M-Pesa), Ghana, Rwanda, Zambia and Tanzania. According to the Wall Street Journal, almost half of 1.04 billion registered mobile money accounts worldwide are in sub-Saharan Africa.


With over 377 million users, PayPal is undeniably a payment option your business cannot overlook since your potential customers may be part. The service provides a free sign up and requires only a valid email account, making it easy for many individuals across the world to use. You can learn more about how your business can benefit from accepting payments via PayPal by clicking here.

Discover Global Network

The Discover® Global Network is a card scheme that has over 270 million cardholders across the globe; hence, not accepting Discover Global Network cards will mean your business will be missing out on a lot of business opportunities and potential customers. 

Card Payments

Customers can make card payments with either a debit or credit card. Card payments have become one of the most popular ways customers pay for products and services today. According to TSYS 2017 Consumer Payment Study, 77% of consumers prefer paying with a card.


Barter allows many individuals worldwide to send and receive money to their friends, family, and loved ones. The platform also enables its users to create virtual dollar cards to make payments online and shop from their favourite online stores. This makes Barter a people’s favourite when making payments to their service providers or vendors. The sign-up process for Barter is also easy and stress-free. Sign up here.


NQR Code is a payment system designed by the Nigeria Interbank Settlement Scheme (NIBSS). NQR payment method provides instant value to businesses through no onboarding fees. Shoppers simply scan a QR code generated on the merchant’s checkout page if they opt to pay via QR. Click here to read more about NIBBS’ NQR.


USSD payment means Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD). It allows its users without a smartphone to use a shortcode provided by mobile network companies so people can carry out services. Customers in some countries can make transactions through their bank’s USSD codes through the Flutterwave checkout modal. 

Dashboard Payments

Through dashboard payments, Flutterwave merchants can make wallet-to-wallet transfers. Wallet-to-wallet transfer means a merchant can make payments to other merchants directly from their dashboard at zero cost. Pay via Bank Transfer enables customers to pay Flutterwave merchants via a unique bank account number generated on the payment gateway. 


Paga is a mobile payment platform that allows users to transfer money electronically and make payments through their mobile devices. Customers can therefore pay Flutterwave merchants via their Paga wallets.

Pay Attitude

Payattitude is a payment solution that enables customers to use a phone number for payment on the POS, WEB and cash withdrawals at ATM. Flutterwave merchants can accept payments from PayAttitude customers using the PayAttitude payment method.


Migo is an automated digital microloans system that provides single payment, instalment, and payroll loans for borrowers. With Pay with Migo, customers can get access to microloans to complete their transactions. Merchants will receive all their funds, and the customers can pay Migo the loan within 14 days. 

To enjoy all of these varieties of payment options, ensure you are a Flutterwave merchant or signup today and enable these favourable payment methods. The time is now! Begin the journey to grow your business and accept payments across the globe with Flutterwave – the simplest and most convenient way to accept payments from customers regardless of their geographical location.

Published by Owuraku Ohene Ampadu-Kissi

Senior Manager, Product Marketing