Flutterwave is organising a Job Fair to connect companies to a market of talents in the tech community. The fair will feature companies recruiting for different positions in the tech industry like Marketing, Products, Engineering, Growth, Project Management etc. For job seekers, this career fair is a great opportunity to meet and chat with companies where you’d love to work. It is possible that you get hired the same day or at least begin the conversation, this fair will also give everyone a chance to network with other bright minds and companies. 

In this blog post, we’ll be sharing 10 tips on how you can make the most of the Flutterwave Job Fair as a job seeker. 

1. Register and Get Your Ticket

Registration is how you indicate your interest in the Job Fair. There are limited slots for job seekers because of the venue we’re using, confirmation emails will only be sent to those who qualify based on a set of pre-existing criteria. You can register here.

2. Come With Copies of Your Updated Resume

You will be speaking to different companies at the job fair so, you should have enough copies of your resume with you. Avoid a situation where the unavailability of your resume reduces your chances of getting hired. It is equally important that your resume is up to date, ensure it is well-written and contains all the necessary information about your career. There are a lot of helpful resources online about writing resumes, you can check them out. 

3. Know The Companies Recruiting At The Fair

Be sure to learn about the companies attending the job fair. This will help you know the roles they’re recruiting for and inform how you prepare. This is absolutely important as it can be the key to you successfully getting hired. We’ll share the companies attending the Job Fair before the event.

4. Be Certain of The Role You Want 

You want to be certain of the role you want. Don’t just come to the job fair with the mindset that you’ll go for all the roles. You don’t want to come across as unserious to the companies. Based on your skills and experience, you should know what you want. Once you’re certain of the role you want, know what’s needed of you.

5. Be Interview-ready

Yes, be ready for an on-the-spot interview. Live interviews happen at job fairs, this won’t be an exception and you have to be ready. For the role you are interested in, ensure you prepare for an interview. There are a million and more interview tips online, check them out, especially for that role. 

6. Prepare To Network With Employers and Other Job Seekers

While your main aim at this job fair is to get as many shots at a job as possible, you still need to be prepared to network with people you meet there. Talk to employers, learn about their companies, meet other job seekers and exchange contact information. These connections can lead to other career opportunities in the future.

7. Look Good – Online & Offline

Ensure you look good, both offline and online. For offline, come to the event dressed well, this doesn’t mean you should come in a 3-piece suit but make sure you look presentable.

Also, you need to ensure when people look you up online, you don’t show up as a nasty person, especially on social media platforms. Your LinkedIn profile also needs to be updated with all the required information and it needs to be the truth. Your resume and your LinkedIn profile should match.

8. Be COVID-19 Compliant 

COVID-19 isn’t over yet even though the vaccines have been helpful. We’ll have COVID-19 protocols at the job fair that will be followed. We’ll have COVID-19 RDT (Rapid Diagnostic Tests) at the event before you’re allowed into the venue. Also, please come with a nose mask. 

9. Be Early

If you are job hunting, you certainly do not want to be late for this job fair. There will be a general session where everyone will be addressed before the break out sessions with the employers. You want to ensure you get to the fair early enough to have a complete experience. 

10.  Have A Post-Job Fair Plan

It is not enough to attend the job fair, you also need to have a post-job fair plan. If you had chats with different companies, you must follow up with them. Get their contact details, send thank you notes to them and also keep following up with them. You also have to be cautious about it, you don’t want to come across as a stalker. 

We hope you find these tips valuable as you prepare for the job fair. Visit the job fair’s website to get more information and learn more. 

We wish you the best and can’t wait to see you at the job fair!

Published by Rotimi Okungbaye

Manager, Product Marketing