According to research by Adeva IT, “as of 2018, women held only 25% of all the tech industry jobs, despite women making up almost half of the total workforce.” The unfortunate part; this number is even lower than the percentage of tech jobs held by women in the 1980s. This spikes the need to spotlight women in the tech industry to encourage other women and young girls to be motivated and rise in the world of STEM and specifically Tech. 

Barter presents women who make the world more exciting through their unique non-tech roles within the tech space. We interviewed them to learn about their journey in the tech space.


Your name, and what you do at Flutterwave? 

My name is Eruke Onohwosa and I work as a Key Account Manager on the growth team.

Why did you choose Tech/Flutterwave? 

I chose tech because I loved the idea of being a part of this “new frontier” in Africa. Why Flutterwave specifically? I wanted the opportunity to work on products that make a real impact on people’s lives.

What does your role entail? 

My role basically has to do with ensuring Key merchants are happy and positioned for growth. I also work on Identifying upselling opportunities and implementing business strategies while working with internal teams to optimize our products for the best user experience.

The favourite part of your job?

It’s hard to select one thing I like most about the job but if I had to choose, it would be working with users on multiple products with footprints across the globe and the endless possibilities for learning.

Does Flutterwave have a conducive environment for women in tech? 

Yes, It does.

What advice will you give to women who want to be in the tech industry?
Hmmm… It might sound cliche, but; “Just do it”. The only way to find out what you can do or learn is by actually doing it.

What will you describe as the major misconception about women in the tech industry or any male-oriented industry? 

People generally assume that women in “tech” roles are somehow less capable. This is worrying because some of the best people I know in tech are women.

Favourite quote from a woman that drives you to challenge the status quo? 

“The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand.


Your name, and what you do at Flutterwave?
Abisola Ogboye, I work as a Senior Customer Experience Associate at Flutterwave.

Why did you choose Tech/Flutterwave?
I chose Tech because I’m passionate about using innovation and technology to transform customers’ financial services experience today. I also chose Flutterwave because we are passionate about simplifying payments for endless possibilities. This basically resonates with my drive for seeing the perceived impossible get done in financial services delivery.

What does your role entail?
My role entails interacting and collaborating with internal stakeholders such as Products, marketing, Engineering etc., to design processes that delight our customers continuously. This means delivering a smooth, consistent and customer-centric approach across all touchpoints of the customer journey.

The favourite part of your job?

Putting a smile on our customers’ faces by delivering our innovative products and solutions. Particularly when they express gratitude for helping their businesses scale globally.

Does Flutterwave have a conducive environment for women in tech?
Flutterwave has a conducive environment for women; we also provide equal opportunities for all gender irrespective of their roles.

What advice will you give to women who want to be in the tech industry?
If you have got it, go for it… There is no role reserved for any gender in the Tech industry; neither are the guys better than you at doing it.

What will you describe as the major misconception about women in the tech industry or any male-oriented industry?
The major misconception about women in the tech industry is that you have to code or have a tech / STEM background to work in tech. Working in the tech industry is much more than that.

Favourite quote from a woman that drives you to challenge the status quo?
A favourite quote would be by Michelle Obama – There’s no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.


Your name and what you do at Flutterwave?

Oluwo Oyindamola Zeenat and I am a Reconciliation Analyst at Flutterwave.

Why did you choose Tech/Flutterwave?

You’ll never get bored working in Tech.

What does your role entail?

Reconciliation – entails assessing internal records of transactions consummated across all our platforms and validating that they’re accurate and consistent with external financial records such as  Bank Statements,  Wallets statements etc.

Your favourite part of your job?

The favourite part of my job is identifying settlement  discrepancies and mitigating financial exposure $$

Does Flutterwave have a conducive environment for women in tech?


What advice will you give to women who want to be in the tech industry?

I believe that there’s room for everyone to succeed in the tech industry regardless of their gender; Be creative and get ready to put in the work.

What will you describe as the major misconception about women in the tech industry or any male-oriented industry?

The major misconception is that most women aren’t just interested in ”Tech”, and that groundbreaking innovation in tech come from the male counterparts.

Favourite quote from a woman that drives you to challenge the status quo?

“Settle for nothing, save excellence” – Ibukun Awosika.


Your name, and what you do at Flutterwave? 

My name is Olutosin Fadahunsi. I am a compliance officer at Flutterwave.

Why did you choose Tech/Flutterwave? 

I chose Flutterwave because I wanted something “Fresh” and “Different,

Something that challenges the status quo

What does your role entail? 

My job at Flutterwave is to ensure all processes and procedures comply with local and international regulations in line with international best practice.

The favourite part of your job?

I totally love everything I do at Flutterwave.

Does Flutterwave have a conducive environment for women in tech? 

Yes, it does.

Flutterwave is a great place to work, learn and grow. There is no discrimination whatsoever on who does what. Everyone is treated fairly and equally.

What advice will you give to women who want to be in the tech industry?
You need to be willing to solve problems and be customer-focused. You also need to be ready to evolve as new technologies, tools, and processes keep changing; you need to be fast to adapt.

What will you describe as the major misconception about women in the tech industry or any male-oriented industry? 

A major misconception is that women do not have so much to contribute to a technical discussion, which is always the exact opposite. People also say tech roles are generally for men. I believe, there is an equal opportunity for everyone. If you believe it, you can do it!

Favourite quote from a woman that drives you to challenge the status quo? 

”Never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.” – Hilary Clinton


Your name, and what you do at Flutterwave? 

Abisola ” Abby” Epoyun – Legal and Compliance 

Why did you choose Tech/Flutterwave? 

I worked as a dispute resolution lawyer for a short while, and I really wanted to delve into a different practice area, then boom! The Flutterwave job opportunity fell right on my laps : )

What does your role entail? 

I currently work as a Legal and Compliance Officer. My role entails negotiating and advising on commercial contracts and legal matters, ensuring the company complies with its legal and regulatory obligations, managing the data privacy unit and making sure the rights of our amazing merchants are well protected.

The favourite part of your job?

I do not have a favourite part of my job. I absolutely love the work I do overall.

Does Flutterwave have a conducive environment for women in tech? 

Absolutely – 100%. Flutterwave has created an environment where gender stereotypes do not define roles; the environment helps women feel safe and thrive while attaining their goals.

What advice will you give to women who want to be in the tech industry?
I have 3 pieces of advice for women entering into tech: 

  1. Never be afraid to ask questions and be open and willing to learn as much as you can from people you will work with (within and outside your team). 
  2. Don’t have a mindset of only fitting into your job description; be willing to try new things whilst gaining expertise in your core role. 
  3. Stay connected with other women in the tech community to build your network. 

What will you describe as the major misconception about women in the tech industry or any male-oriented industry? 

You need to have coding skills to be a woman in tech. This is false – I don’t code, and here I am, blossoming in my non-tech role in tech space. So get in here and let’s get more women to dominate the tech world

Favourite quote from a woman that drives you to challenge the status quo? 

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style” – Maya Angelou.


Your name, and what you do at Flutterwave?

My name is Tobi Otokiti. I am the Senior Growth Product Manager at Flutterwave.

Why did you choose Tech/Flutterwave?

My parents introduced me to technology at an early age. I grew up seeing floppy diskettes & large computers in the house. During the summer holiday, my mum enrolled me in a technology institute to learn about computers. We also had a computer teacher come to the house. I enjoyed the days of Encarta for kids developed by Microsoft. When it was time to decide on a course of study at the university, we carefully went through the UTME Jamb brochure, and that was where I found Computer science a four-year program. My secondary school proposed that I studied medicine which, by the way, is a six-year program. I’m happy that I chose a career path in technology. It’s been a 100% rewarding journey. I officially started my tech career as an IT administrator and built WordPress websites for about one year in a startup. However, before then, I explored interning at a hardware organisation where I learnt how to repair laptops, motherboards, and power packs. Also, I took courses in Networking, i.e. CCNA, Oracle Databases, during my NYSC because, I was trying to figure out my interests. About one year + plus into my tech career, an opportunity to venture into product management came, and I took it. I’ve stayed in this career path because I figured I enjoy the discovery part of product management, speaking with users and market research. These insights help me build delightful digital products for them.

What does your role entail?

As a Senior Growth Product Manager at Flutterwave, I’m responsible for optimising key products to deliver value-adding solutions to our users’ needs. My job revolves around data-driven experiments, launching activation & retention campaigns that increase Flutterwave’s product user base.  In light of this, I drive cross-functional engagements with the product engineering, marketing and data team.  Every effort is tailored to help Flutterwave achieve its business goals and provide an unmatched customer experience to our users.  

Your favourite part of your job?

My strength is in execution, so I like that I get to launch growth initiatives that help achieve business goals, i.e. revenue and customer satisfaction. My role also helps to sharpen my creativity and data analytics skills. It gives me room to upskill and learn how to use data to drive customer engagement and conversions. 

Does Flutterwave have a conducive environment for women in tech?

At Flutterwave, we have women across different levels, from associate to senior manager level. These women contribute value to building Flutterwave without fear of being looked down upon or red taped. Also, Flutterwave partnered with female-led training institutes, i.e. Abocoders, to help more women get into tech. We also have an open-door policy whereby anyone can book a slot to speak with GB, the CEO, thus providing a conducive environment for everyone (Females and males) to voice their opinions.

What advice will you give to women who want to be in the tech industry?

Do it. Show up. Have a chat with someone in the tech industry to guide you on the different tech roles. There are non-tech roles and tech roles in the tech industry that may be of interest to you. 

  1. Tell me, what is stopping you?
    Tech skills/Knowledge gap? Then create a learning map and upskill in that area by taking courses, listening to relevant podcasts and reading relevant books. You can also sign up on Tech blogs to stay updated on happenings in the tech industry.
  2. You don’t know enough people in the tech industry? Then connect with tech people on LinkedIn, Twitter, and join tech communities so that you are the first to know when opportunities arise.

Most importantly, focus on adding value to yourself. Company’s hire you because you can bring value to their companies. I wish you success as you embark on your journey into tech.

What will you describe as the major misconception about women in the tech industry or any male-oriented industry?

That Tech is for men, and men are more likely to succeed in Tech. I’ve also heard that some companies do not hire women in some roles because of the different phases women go through (childbearing et al.), which can become a setback in the company. Wrong. I’ve seen women deliver equal value and even more value than their male counterparts across different levels as individual contributors and management roles. I think businesses need to create a sound support system that helps women strive while in those different phases of their lives without women having to feel those guilts. Women are powerful. And so I choose to challenge companies to create better policies that help women strive and not put them in a disadvantaged position because of nature. Also, there is a misconception and narrative that some tech roles are better suited for males, e.g. programming. I’ve seen successful female programmers excelling in their careers and also finding a balance in other areas of their lives. So my advice to ladies is that if you are interested in any role in Tech, go for it, block the noises and soar high. You’re unstoppable!

Favourite quote from a woman that drives you to challenge the status quo?

Dare to become the trailblazer of your life – Cindy Trimm

In celebration of Women’s History Month, Barter is spotlighting these women with achievements worth commendation in an upcoming webinar.

We look forward to hosting you at the webinar scheduled for 24th March 2021 at 5 PM WAT.

Click here to book a seat for FREE.

Published by Owuraku Ohene Ampadu-Kissi

Senior Manager, Product Marketing