How payment is done has evolved over the years, from the days of pay by barter to now when you can use your debit or credit cards to pay for goods and services offline & online. With every new day, there’s almost always a new way to pay for anything. Technology has changed the way businesses accept payments across the world. We have seen people make payments with cards, fingerprints, USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data), QR (Quick Response) code and so on. It is obvious that more change and improved processes will come to the payments industry across the world. 

Flutterwave, one of Africa’s best, safest and most reliable payment companies are at the forefront of this technological revolution in Africa. Flutterwave’s mission is to simplify payments for endless possibilities because the possibilities of excellent, simple and safe payment solutions are truly endless (no pun intended). It doesn’t just grow commerce across the continent, it also grows its prosperity and with prosperity comes so much more.  The CEO of Flutterwave, Olugbenga ‘GB’ Agboola said, “African is not a country but we make it feel like one.”

In this article, we will be sharing some of the different ways Flutterwave helps businesses receive payments from customers across the world. Before you can receive payments through Flutterwave, you need to have an account. You can create one by visiting this link.

1. Flutterwave API 

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

As a technology business or a software developer building a product, if your product requires people to pay for anything, Flutterwave can help you receive payments from them. All you need to do is integrate Flutterwave’s API into your product. 

According to RedHat, An API is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software. API stands for application programming interface. You can learn more about APIs here.

Our API documentation page shows all you can do with the API. If you are building a website, an app, an e-commerce store or any online product that people need to make payments on, we have solutions that can help you accept payments from your customers.
On our documentation page, you will find the different payment integration options we have, payment methods, payment features, SDKs (software development kits) and plugins you can use for any online product you are building. 

If you are building a product and you need to receive payments, let’s help you get paid.

2. Payment Links

This is one of the coolest features on Flutterwave, you can simply send your customer a payment link, they open the link and pay you through any of the payment methods available.  

We have 3 different payment links: Single Charge link, Subscription (Recurring) link and a Donation Page. In this very explanatory article, we describe how you can use the payment links to get paid. You definitely want to check it out. 

3. Flutterwave Store

When the pandemic struck in 2020 and shop owners had to close their physical stores because of the lockdown most countries put in place as a safety precaution, we thought of a way to help these business owners continue their business while on lockdown and this birthed our #KeepTheLightsOn campaign. We created an online store where you can place your products, add product images, descriptions and go online. You only needed to send your Store link to your customers for them to buy from you. In the last 11 months, the Flutterwave Store has grown to over 20000 Stores across Africa. 

We have people sharing their stories about how the Store helped them remain in business and also grow. 

You can learn more about the Flutterwave Store here.

4. Invoices

If you run a service business and you’ve always wanted a way to send invoices to your customers, well, a way has come to you today. With Flutterwave Invoices, you can create a digital invoice that contains all the necessary information your customers need. With this digital invoice, your customers can pay directly from the email they receive after you send the invoice. 

We have also written a detailed article about Flutterwave Invoices, you should totally check it out.

5. Events

Flutterwave Events is another way you can get paid through Flutterwave. If you are an events organiser and you’ve always wanted a solution that can help you sell tickets online, look no further, we’ve got you covered. This solution is exclusive to merchants who signed up as a registered business.

If it’s for movies or concerts, we can help you accept payment for the tickets. You only need to create your account, fill in the details for the event and once you are done, you take it online and send the link to people to pay. You can even view upcoming events created on Flutterwave here.

For more details on Flutterwave Events, visit this page.

6. Flutterwave Mobile

The Flutterwave Mobile app turns any smartphone into a mobile POS. You can generate a payment link inside the app and share with anyone to pay you, using their card as they’d do with a physical POS. However, the Flutterwave Mobile app goes one better, it’s a mobile POS that accepts more payment types than any physical POS can accept. Card payments, Bank Transfers, Paga, Mobile Money, PayPal, USSD, the possibilities are endless. Your delivery personnel with the Flutterwave Mobile app installed on their phone don’t need a physical POS anymore. Your sales personnel at your branches no longer need physical POS machines. Again the possibilities are endless. 

You can download it on the Google Play Store and App Store, right now.

To use it, you only need to sign in with your Flutterwave account as you would on the web.

We have shown you various ways Flutterwave can help you get paid, while you secure the bag, let’s help you make it seamless. 

If you do not have a Flutterwave account, today is a good day to get one, start here.

Published by Rotimi Okungbaye

Manager, Product Marketing