Flutterwave is partnering with Google to help small businesses grow their businesses online with Google’s large basket of marketing tools. Not only that, we are teaching you how to leverage social media to make more sales in times like this. 

No better time for you to be at this webinar considering Black Friday and Christmas Sales often define the year for many small businesses. Now, let’s get straight into 4 things to expect in the Google Economic Recovery Training with Flutterwave.

Discover your target audience at the Google Economic Recovery Training

Nothing makes marketing easier like knowing your target audience. Nothing makes it cheaper too. Your target audience is the demographic where most of the demand for your product is expected to come from. For every social campaign, you must firstly understand who your target audience is before you go about reaching out to them. Saves you time, effort and money.

Millennials? Gen Z? Baby boomers? College educated? Live in Nigeria? Kenya? UK? Online? Offline? Your final buyer persona and target audience will depend on your understanding of your product and market, alike. This Google and Flutterwave webinar will teach you how to discover your target audience and market to them.

Understand and Set your business, brand objectives at the Google Economic Recovery Training

Your business objective is the reason why you are creating your value proposition and it is key to your brand. For Flutterwave, we want to simplify payments for endless possibilities. We understand that there were payment methods before we came into the scene, but we also know that we do not want to bring another complicated payment method onboard. 

We want to simplify the ones available by interconnecting them, so they can help individuals and businesses attain their goals. This Webinar will teach you how to set your business and brand objectives, just like us! 

Deepen your knowledge of digital marketing from the best

I mean, what is digital marketing without Google? Your prospective customer somehow uses at least 2 Google products a day. It would  make sense that you learn how to reach them from the best. 

An experienced resource person from Google will be available to hand-hold you through the basics of digital marketing, and how to create a digital marketing plan, so you can continue to improve your skills, make more sales and grow your business. 

Flutterwave Store to the rescue

Start selling online now with Flutterwave stores.

You may be thinking that you do not even have a physical store and you do not need this training. Well, good news, you can get an equivalent of a physical store right now in only 3 clicks. 

Flutterwave Store is quite simply the best and easiest way to launch and manage a business that accepts payments from anywhere in the world without creating a website, knowing how to code or owning a physical space. 

During the Webinar, you will learn how to use your Flutterwave Store to grow your business. If you do not have one yet, create your Flutterwave Store here

Now you have four good reasons to be at the Flutterwave and Google Webinar teaching how to use marketing and social media tools to grow your business, how to build your brand and how to create a digital marketing plan.

I bet you’re looking for the registration links? 

Here they are:

Register here for ‘using marketing and social media tools to grow your business online.’ 10 am (GMT+1) 17th November, 2020.

Register here for ‘How to build your brand and sell online” 10 am (GMT+3), 24th November 2020.

Register here for ‘How to create a digital marketing plan,’ 10 am (GMT +2), December 1st, 2020.

You can attend one. You can attend all, too. Tell your friends to tell their friends. You’ve got a lot to learn and earn!

Oh! They are FREE!

Published by Nonso

Senior Manager, Branding and Storytelling