You’re probably wondering what a payments tech company is doing by publishing a story about health. 

Well, the first and most important reason is health is wealth. 

We interviewed one of our partners, Medplus Nigeria on the ways to live a healthier lifestyle. 

Ebere Nwachukwu, a Pharmacist with Medplus, was available to give tips on how people can stay healthy. 

Medplus and Good Health  

Supplementation: Nature is beautiful and caring. But we sometimes think we know better. The food we eat contains micronutrients which are also available in the supplements that we buy from pharmacies. But, here is the catch. We overcook our meals to the extent that they lose half their nutrients. 

“Supplements contain micronutrients which we are supposed to get from our food but we may not get them because we overcook our vegetables and meals,” Pharm. Ebere said. As a result, we need supplements to supply these micronutrients which may be lacking in our daily meals. She stated that no one is too young or too old to take supplements. 

Exercise: In one of her very hilarious Stand-ups, Comedian, Ellen De Generes said, “My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.Well, don’t be like Ellen’s grandmother, but you might as well start walking now and by the time you are ninety-seven, you might still look sixty. 

The fitfam culture is on the rise among the young, but Pharm. Ebere argues that it is for both the young and the old. She insists that exercise is good for your health, though it may often seem difficult to start. Regular exercising has been found to improve sleep, boost moods and combat various diseases. Do not wait for the day you feel strong enough to do 100 push-ups. You might as well start with 2, now. 

See you on your 97th birthday! 

Water Intake: You have heard people allude their clear skin to constant water intake and minding their business? Great! Though that is yet to be medically proven, here is what has been proven. Your body is composed of about 60-70% of water. Body fluid is important for digestion, circulation etc. 

The body needs constant intake of water to retain its vital functions and perform at the optimal level. Now you see why you need to take water as a routine and not only when you are thirsty!

Good hygiene: Before COVID-19 struck, telling people to wash their hands after shaking hands seemed like a stretch. Good thing, both Government and Private institutions are promoting good public and personal hygiene. The promotions may stop one day, and people will move on, but don’t move on from the personal hygiene habits you have learned this period. 

Wash your hands with soap constantly, treat your drinking water, keep your surrounding clean and more. What use is it buying antibiotics from Medplus when your source of water is not healthy and clean? Pharm Ebere believes that good hygiene saves us numerous trips to the hospital. 

Medplus and Flutterwave

During the peak of the lockdown, it became important for businesses to take their operations online since movements were highly restricted. For Medplus, it is about safety. Instead of crowding out outlets across the country, what if the goods get delivered to the customers’ doorstep? 

With Flutterwave’s payment gateway, Medplus customers are able to shop their favourite products conveniently and receive doorstep deliveries all in good time. Easy does it! Good thing, they do not need to risk going out to the public especially as the COVID-19 pandemic rages. 

Here is How to Pay with Flutterwave on MedPlus Nigeria 

  1. On, select your favourite products and click ‘Buy it Now’
  2. Add your details, location, check your details and click ‘Complete order’
  3. Select your preferred Flutterwave payment option and Pay

Go for it!

Published by Nonso

Senior Manager, Branding and Storytelling