One thing is to own a Flutterwave Store, another is to make or increase sales overtime.

The Flutterwave Store is quite simply the best and easiest way to launch and manage an e-commerce business that accepts payments from anywhere in the world without creating a website, knowing how to code etc. Our Store allows you to upload products, set prices and (in some markets) have our integrated delivery partners pick up when you have an order and deliver to your customer. “Buy Online, Pickup Curbside” store if you like.

So, you have already created your Flutterwave Store, but no one is buying the products you placed in your store. There are 1001 reasons why you are not making sales, okay, that was a joke. However, you may think you have gotten everything figured out on your store but something is probably still missing or not done well.

At this point, you need to increase sales on your Flutterwave Store. You look to your Product Description as a suspect. Could this be the reason your customers don’t feel compelled to buy?

If you shop online regularly, you know that a product with a poor description will most likely be ignored for others with a good description. 

When uploading a product to the Flutterwave Store, there’s a section where you can describe the product you are putting up for sale. Before we continue, you may want to catch up on 6 tricks to taking more photos that could guarantee more sales.

This section plays an important role in helping the buyer make their decision which ultimately affects your sales. A well-described product should have all the details that are important to the buyer; this shows some level of seriousness and credibility. 

Depending on what you are selling on your Flutterwave Store, here are some of the information you should have in your product description:

Dimensions – Size, Length, Volume e.t.c.

If you are selling products that have to do with dimensions, make sure these dimensions are mentioned in the description. If you are selling a shoe, the available size range must be mentioned in the description. If you are selling a perfume oil, you should mention the volume, the buyers should know if the perfume oil is 100ml or 200ml. 

Mention the Benefits of your Products if you want to Increase Sales on your Flutterwave Store

You should also mention the benefits of your product in the description. You don’t have to mention all of them but you should give the buyer an idea of what they will benefit from buying and using your product. If you are in the skincare business, your product description should be able to tell the buyer how your product will make their skin better. This way, you stand a chance of increasing your sales on the Flutterwave Store.

Special information (Ingredients and Allergies)

You should also include special information about your product in the description. It is important that people know the ingredients of your products, especially if it may affect their health in any way. If you are selling a food product, you will be doing a lot of good for your potential customers that have allergies if they know how your product affects them. 

Discounts & Special Offerings help to increase sales anywhere

If you are giving discounts and special offerings, you should also mention it in the description so that your customers will know about it and make the most of the offerings. 

Here are some examples of well-described products in already existing Flutterwave Stores. 

Luminous Glow Face Soap by LuxeByNature Cosmetics

Silk & Chiffon Sets by The Ankara Dentist

Satin Scrunchies by Allure Axis

We wanted to give you an idea of how you can improve your product description and help potential customers become actual customers. We hope you find this article helpful and it helps you sell more. 

If you want to learn more about the Flutterwave Store, watch this short and insightful video. Of course, we expect that you already have a Flutterwave Store, we’ll forgive you if you don’t have one, you can set up your store for free here.

PS Don’t forget that the month of August is our Small Business Month and you stand a chance to win FREE IG ads for your business. Carry out at least one successful transaction and enter your details here.

Published by Rotimi Okungbaye

Manager, Product Marketing