Valentine is for love. Love is for everyone. On this very special occasion, we have collated interesting and fascinating last-minute gifts that you would not typically find in other places, just for you and for loved ones.
So, if you …
Hey there, looks like you made the wrong turn.
Valentine is for love. Love is for everyone. On this very special occasion, we have collated interesting and fascinating last-minute gifts that you would not typically find in other places, just for you and for loved ones.
So, if you …
“We have 99.9999999999999% uptime” is cliche these days because it’s a very common claim that most companies make about their services. There’s a very good reason why. 99% service uptime makes a world of difference in your business and indeed …
From OAU through KPMG, Andersen and to Flutterwave, it has been a remarkable journey towards self discovery for Israel. 14 years into his career as a Financial Analyst and Leader, here he is, killing it as Flutterwave’s new Head of …
When you hear these words together, they almost sound cliché.
We’ve said them time and again, but when you really think about it, what does it mean?
I think this year has really taught us the importance of community, and …
Today, Nigeria is regarded as one of Africa’s most promising frontiers for eCommerce, a sentiment that has been reinforced by the adoption of several safe platforms for consumers to use to pay online.
However, whether you’re new to online shopping …
This year has undeniably been overwhelming, the pandemic has taken its toll on all of us. From the anxiety about Covid to the restrictions we had to go through in order to protect everyone; 2020 has been quite a year. …
Africans living in the diaspora regularly search for and buy African products ranging from food, health products, and clothing. It is a fast-growing market segment, not just in Africa, but also among Africans in the diaspora.
Can you just imagine …
Customer service is not only about what you do. More often than not, it is about what your customers think of what you do. Many things get lost in that grey area between what you do and what your customers …
We all know the benefits of cooking and eating from home but do we know the impact of cooking in relationships? This could mean two people cooking together or just one person doing the cooking as the other person hangs …
You must have heard of the VISA Dealathon going on but if you haven’t, here’s the tea – We recently partnered with VISA to give a 10% discount on every product you buy from select Flutterwave Stores. To enjoy this …