The pun was too good, we couldn’t ignore it. Afterall, ‘peering’ means the exchange of data directly between internet service providers without using the internet. We can domesticate this telecom term to mean the exchange of value (and data, if you think deeply about it) from one business or App, to another with the help of Thepeer’s API infrastructure. 

Thepeer is a technology company with a  bold mission—to help businesses and Apps enable business-to-business transfers for their customers with their API infrastructure. Thepeer founders had challenges moving value around their various Apps. They figured others may have this challenge and decided to build a solution.  

Using Thepeer

Thepeer for Individuals

End-users leverage Thepeer to send money from their account in one app to other Apps. A typical digital enthusiast has numerous apps on their phones. A lot of people have online web and mobile accounts holding value. How is it possible for them to easily move money around to unlock opportunities and create wealth? Thepeer’s API helps businesses support their customers with an easy way to move value from one business to another and App to another. 

Thepeer for Businesses 

Businesses integrate Thepeer API which help them do more for their customers by enabling them the flexibility to move their money around various Apps, free of numerous transaction fees. To use Thepeer, businesses need to sign up here and do the verification processes after which they will have access to their dashboard, where they can see all live transactions and information.  

Thepeer for Developers 

A key part of every API organisation’s ecosystem is the Developer Community. Developers make things happen. They are often the bridge between an API and the business. Thepeer API is built with developers in mind. To access API keys, head over to the settings, click on API keys>Webhooks, copy what has been assigned to you and begin. 

Peering Seamlessly with Flutterwave 

We’re excited to support Thepeer in their journey from ideation to a live problem-solving technological company. We’re always looking for ways to help entrepreneurs and founders live their dreams. Building on Flutterwave means that startups get to leverage our API to achieve their dreams, faster. There are thousands of entrepreneurs around the world who need to know that their dreams are not very far off. All you need to do is to build. We will provide the plumbing and infrastructure. Just build.

Thepeer joins a list of startups that have launched on Flutterwave—a goal we find valuable. Our mission is to simplify payments for endless possibilities. With Thepeer, this is just the beginning. 

Published by Nonso

Senior Manager, Branding and Storytelling