For many years, International Women’s Day which is held on the 8th of March every year has been symbolized by the celebration for women’s rights and equality. International women’s day also seeks to support the social, economic, cultural, and political equality of women and call to action the need for further improvement of women’s equality in society.

 In 2020, there have been defining moments for women, such as praises for women leader across the world for the positive effects of their decisions in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic; Brazil and Sierra Leone publicly committed themselves to equal pay to women and men footballers and the US elected its first female vice president amongst other achievements. 

Even though these examples show that amazing milestones have been made in ensuring a more equitable society, there is still room for improvement. The 2020 Global Gender Gap Report states that gender parity is likely not to be attained for another 99.5 years.
In this blog, we will be sharing three ways you can support women on International Women’s Day.

1. Donate or volunteer to a women’s support group.

There are several organizations around the world that support women in several ways. Seek out to an organization that supports the rights and equality of women in society and see how best you can donate your time, expertise or money to support the cause. You can also consider donating to international women by using Barter for international transfers. This comes with absolutely no transactions and is instant. Learn how to send money across borders for free by clicking here.

2. Show your support on social media.

The official theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge. This is a way of challenging the set standards by raising awareness and calling out bias and inequality. You can support this initiative by joining the #ChooseToChallenge campaign on social media and posting content relevant to the cause.


3. Support women-owned businesses.

Businesses that are owned and operated by women or group of women helps to contribute to the equal representation of women in the society. Women seeing other women in business will encourage them to start their own businesses. Deliberately supporting women-owned businesses and encouraging friends and family to do the same will also help in creating an inclusive environment for women.

With this year’s theme ‘Choose to Challenge’, it is essential that we bring awareness and promote equality amongst both men and women by supporting and encouraging the equality of women.

Published by Owuraku Ohene Ampadu-Kissi

Senior Manager, Product Marketing