You know how you believe you’re good at something but you believe that the industry is saturated so you also believe that you won’t make it. Well, it’s not always true, a lot of times, all a saturated industry needs is some innovation. Just a twist in the way the goods or services are delivered. We’ve come up with a selective list of opportunities within a few industries that a few people might believe are saturated to get you ready for 2020. Here we go:
Travel and Tours.

The travel and tour business seems to have a low barrier of entry thanks to the internet and there are many companies offering packaged tours to popular cities, so is there any opportunity? There is. Themed travel and tours are opportunities. What if you offered “fitfam” travel and tours that focused on hiking, rock climbing and those sorts of activities at some popular destinations? What if you offered targeted honeymoon tours for newlyweds? These are just two opportunities, there are more. Find your niche.
Wedding Planning.

The wedding planning industry has a lot of people, celebrity wedding planners, and every other person so where are the opportunities? The opportunities are also in the niches. You could decide to be a traditional wedding planner or a destination wedding planner for a particular destination. What do you think about being the go-to budget wedding planner with none of your weddings costing more than $3,000? The opportunities are endless.
Digital Marketing.

We have lots of digital marketers around, but here’s how you can get in: become the digital marketer for particular niches. What if you studied digital marketing for music and became the digital marketer for music? Musicians will pay top dollar for such a service. Every day there are new movies but who’s selling them using digital marketing? Other niches include hair business, beauty and wellness, fashion and even financial products.
Makeup Artistry.

You probably imagine that if you threw a stone from where you are, it’d probably land on at least 3 makeup artists so you’re discouraged. Don’t be, there may be a lot of makeup artists, but there is space for you. Movie makeup is exciting but an already known opportunity. How about being a Sunday service makeup artist that takes clients for Sunday mornings only? Yes, people need such a service, and reliable makeup service for Sunday mornings is viable. What if you offered a mobile service within a 5km range and promised to be available within 5 minutes? Even if clients have their preferred makeup artists, being close and delivering at such short times will ensure you always have business.

You can hardly scroll through your feed these days without seeing a nicely made cake, so it seems the industry is saturated. Again, you can find good business within this industry. Who’s the go-to person for event desserts? Why can’t that be you? Who runs a birthday cake service where people at the beginning of the year submit their loved ones’ birthdays along with their card details and a day to the birthday, they’re debited and a beautiful cake is sent to their loved one? Exactly.
All this our selective list says is that you need to find niches to serve within saturated industries and we hope that these ideas have opened your mind to the possibilities. 2020 is here now, let’s get it!